Tekken 7 Armor King addition · 6:55pm Dec 3rd, 2018
Who else is super excited for the addition of Armor King to Tekken 7? I am extremely excited about it, I've been mainig AK in every game that featured him and he is absolutely my favourite character. I have been focusing on King for a few months since only he was available and I think I've gotten pretty damn good with him, but when I get my hands on the new DLC Armor King is going to take over my Tekken life.
Thanks for the follow!
2327058 A lot of people do actually, it's kind of odd
Thanks for adding King of the Dead to your favorites! I hope you're enjoying it so far!
Thanks for the Fav! I hope you enjoyed reading it!
Thanks for the follow.
Thanks for the fav.
Thank you very, very much for the Watch! I really, really appreciate it and I hope I can keep doing my best to deserve it!