• Member Since 26th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Shade shadowfeeder

classified by the S.C.P foundation

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New Story in the works · 3:28pm Nov 6th, 2016

hey sorry for being inactive for a while I've been busy with schooling and tests so I haven't been able to do a whole lot but I will be doing a new story called Equestrian Devils which will focus on the Fallen House of Devils from Destiny and I will try to update my other stories also I will be giving out free story ideas that people can use and rest assured I'M NOT DEAD and neither are my stories so please be patient I know some people like my stories but spamming my inbox with 'update' over

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Report Shade shadowfeeder · 372 views ·
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Thank you for the watch :twilightsmile:

Hello this is a message to those who are reading my stories I'm currently doing some side stories that will be biography's of different OCs that I will put into a new story that I intend to write I did a demo version for it but it got some serious hate so now I will be doing a rewrite of it however I'm going to put up these biography's for each character as follows:



Forging Sky

Feral Hunger

Sky Burner




Bloody Rose

The biography's will be started soon all one chapter for each character and how they will intertwine with each other I am also working on a depressing story that will involve some very sensitive material.

Very clever not many people know of this mark except a select few and you are quite perceptive to notice it and acknowledged it. In all honesty I've only had the privilege to meet a few brothers and sisters of mandalorian blood thank you for the privilege to find another brother and/or sister of the Mando'ad

Ah, judging from your profile picture... a fellow Mando'ad? Do go on, ner vod, and write some kando'sii MLP-Mando crossovers. I have no talent for writing; I just read.

Also, welcome to the site!

If you need help translating what I've said, just respond to this comment or learn for yourself here.
If you don't, then good on you, ad'ika! You're mando'karla! Go to Dha Werda Verda for the local Mando'ade.

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New Story in the works · 3:28pm Nov 6th, 2016

hey sorry for being inactive for a while I've been busy with schooling and tests so I haven't been able to do a whole lot but I will be doing a new story called Equestrian Devils which will focus on the Fallen House of Devils from Destiny and I will try to update my other stories also I will be giving out free story ideas that people can use and rest assured I'M NOT DEAD and neither are my stories so please be patient I know some people like my stories but spamming my inbox with 'update' over

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Report Shade shadowfeeder · 372 views ·