A couple facts (I will be adding on to this as new information comes to light):
Superman gets his power from the sun.
The sun gets it's power from Carlos.
The law of conservation of mass is a universal law
The law of conservation of energy is a universal law
Violation of a law of conservation will result in a trial. The trial will involve a jury of seven (7) randomly
selected followers. The judge will be our holy lord and savior Carlos. If Carlos is indisposed of, the judge
will be made up of three (3), if possible, or two (2) of the original followers of Carlos. If one (1) or none
Ok, so when your doing a service for me (cutting my hair in particular), please don't talk to me. Just don't, to avoid a very awkward situation.
A situation like:
Haircutter: "So how is your day?"
Me: "Fine, you?"
HC: "Pretty good, we've had a lot of customers today so it's been pretty busy, but overall I've had a pretty good day!!!"
Me: "..."
HC: "..."
Me: "..."
HC: "So what grade are you in?"
Me: "9th."
We (the other 2 original followers for the true god, god, and I) were in the gym today, right, having our weight force drained by the Anti-Carlos, and our weightlifting teacher called god's name. We all looked at him like "you wot m8." After thorough discussion we decided that our teacher said god's name wrong, our sub said "Carlos" \ˈkär-ləs, -ˌlōs\ while the correct pronunciation is "Carlos" \god\ (format is "spelling" \pronunciation\). If he makes the mistake again, we will inform him of
Ok, so anyone else see the preview for the new 2 part mlp fim episode coming out April 4th 2015? Do the ponies in it remind you of anything? Yes? No? Well they remind me of the new foals in every conversion bureau story. In case you don't know what a new foal is, it is a converted human that has turned into a pony (normally by using a potion), either willingly or by force. They are normally very happy about becoming a pony once they are on, regardless of whether or not they wanted to be a pony
Why do fiction writers write that they don't own the subject company?
One day an author doesn't list that he doesn't own Hasbro when writing a story, so Hasbro's secret police force comes and teleports the author to his own story universe or the cannon MLP universe.
No, I won't be writing about this incredible prompt because I'm a terrible writer.
Also if you want you can use the prompt. If you want. You can use it. If you want to. #repitition GET IT TRENDING!!!