• Member Since 21st Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 22nd, 2024

River Babble

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Col 3:17

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Found 6 stories in 72ms

Total Words: 19,152
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


A short vignette of Salespitch, an alicornus imitato, running into some of his fellow A.I.s on a business trip to the city of Las Pegasus. Occurs simultaneously with the episode "Grannies Gone Wild", involving the "alicorns" seen on the hot air balloon landing pad. This story is related to the "I Am Not An Alicorn" Ask Blog here: http://ask-iamnotanalicorn.tumblr.com/

Chapters (1)

An accident-prone earth pony and an innocent salestallion get run out of town together. This sorta-kinda explains why.


This is a short fanfic/fanpic I did of MLP-Silver-Quill's character Clutterstep and my character Salespitch. You can learn more about Clutterstep here and my not-actually-an-alicorn-even-though-he-looks-like-one here.

Chapters (1)

Twilight just wanted to have a nice little Thanksgiving meal at her castle before the holiday crush, with some of her closest friends. It doesn't go quite as smoothly as she would have liked.

This isn't a sequel, but it does contain a reference to a crackfic I wrote a few weeks ago: Chrysalis Is My WHAT?!

Chapters (1)

Sometimes a day gets weird really fast. It doesn't normally involve characters from a cartoon show appearing in your house and the potential overtaking of the government, though.

Everything about this story is ridiculous and stupid and I own that fact. Please enjoy!

(Also this takes place before the Season 6 Finale, JSYK.)

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna has always avoided the subject of the number of thrones in the Canterlot royal throne room. But when a filly asks the weighted question to her face, Luna decides to answer – and finds that some recent events have changed what she believes that answer to be.

Beneficial, but not necessary, to have seen the Season 5 episode 'Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?' before reading this.

Now featuring two Dramatic Readings!
Dr. Wolf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=rep0KyxVoEc&feature=emb_logo
Big Ash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlQdOjZd8og&feature=emb_logo

Chapters (1)

As expansive as the realm of Equestria and the known kingdoms surrounding it may be, the quest for exploration and discovery is unending! It is this very quest that has led Royal Expeditionary Ambassador Lean-To of his majesties' royal service to discover an unknown land - and the unique inhabitants living there.

NOTE: I'm calling this Complete. It started as a silly one-off thing anyway, and while I tried to see how it could continue, I don't have the inspiration or drive to move this story forward. Just a little AU headcanon idea. Thanks to those who enjoyed my drabbles. =)

Chapters (2)