• Member Since 18th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 15th, 2023


Short Bio. Kappa :3

Comments ( 40 )
  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40

Wow spell check just turned that into a roast. My apologies 😂

Phantom of 'can't write' :rainbowlaugh:

Hope you enjoy it:twilightsmile:

Thanks! I'm about to start reading the phantom of can't write after I finish college today!

Thanks for the follow:pinkiehappy: and for your great suggestion :raritywink: Sadly my editor was against it because not many people would get it without context and lore, but I mentioned it in the authors note together with your name. Really an awesome idea of you:twilightsmile:

Saw your post about judo rankings. I've been doing martial arts all my life but haven't seen many that use it in fanfiction. Thought I'd check out your it her stuff while I'm at it

  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40
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