I'm new at this so pleas bare with me and to all that enjoy my story's thank you. Though I am going to work on grammar. And if you want to work on a story with just send a message. Enjoy my story's and let me know what you think.
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- Canterlot, beautiful, majestic, peaceful, strong. This was all true un tell corruption ravaged the land, the tree of harmony did the only thing that could stop this. Using all it's power the land was born anew.MagicalEntaty · 5k words · 424 views
- Twilight always had to deal with bully's but today they take it too far and one one mare ( or rather filly) can save TwilightMagicalEntaty · 1.8k words · 795 views
- after a car accident kills Twilight's family and nerely kills her. she is brought right into the middle of a dark grope that only she and her brothers wife to be and her former babysitter Cadence can stopMagicalEntaty · 1.4k words · 449 views
- Spike failed to get the heart to Cadence and Twilight falls into the hands of SombraMagicalEntaty · 6.6k words · 44 13 · 4.9k views
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Along Comes Twilight An emotionally distant Celestia begins to reconnect with her ponies thanks to a young filly called Twilight Sparkle. (A Celestia adopts Twilight story) by Spacecowboy 26,462 words · 1,358 · 25
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1951308 I would love all the help I can get just message me k
This is me. If you need any editorial help, I'd be happy to oblige .. if that's okay with you.
Thanks for joining Fluttermom! This is the first group I've made and I'm always really happy when new people join. If you have any thoughts or suggestions to improve our group, don't hesitate to say so in the comments or send me a message directly.
Now here's Pinkie Pie with your "Welcome Wagon"