Are you expecting a very long post? · 8:17am Oct 4th, 2013
Well, not this time!
Just here to say, I just got to playing Terraria on its newest update!
How is this relevant?
1. Crossovers can happen.
2. I find Terraria to be a very cool game! It does not really have a story, but it has more of one than Minecraft to be honest and that has been done before.
3. This.
if you want to read a apple bloom werewolf story, you could read mine.
it's called Apple Bloom's Change.
let me know what you think of it.
ah, jammit
1775867 Coincidentally I already had a spaghetti, I appreciate the thought though,
I've got some pepperoni to get rid of though >_>
do you want a spaghetti?
Thank you very much for the watch