• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


'The last man on earth to think that 'phoetid' is still how we humans spell that.'


Strange and horrifying dreams haunt Equestria's nights, and Luna is at a loss. And then the past rears its ugly head, only to bring far graver news.

Luna must confront her past and come to terms with all she is and all she once was, so that she may stand a chance against a new and terrifying threat that may just break Equestria. But can she come to terms with her own hated horrors before the land falls to madness and ashes?

Chapters (3)

An entry for the first monthly TwiLuna contest, with the prompt 'A Broken Crown'

After a long day's dusty work in the old castle, a trip to an old, secluded pool to wash off seems like a great idea. Only then does disaster choose to strike, spurring Luna into action to save Twilight from mortal danger, thrusting untold emotions into the daylight in a blur of fear and panic.

Chapters (1)

As she flies to Ponyville for a stargazing session with Twilight Sparkle, Luna reflects on the control and power Celestia now wields, and whether or not her changes to Equestria have all been for the best. In particular, how much sway she holds over every ponies' hearts and minds.

Celestia has reigned absolute for so long, but what power does she deserve over her own sister?

Chapters (1)

The Cutie-Mark Crusaders have become idle and lazy, spending their time in a constant dozy, grumpy stupor. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash are growing worried- and quite frankly, annoyed- with their lack of effort and energy. What happened to the energetic trio who spread chaos and laughter across the whole of Ponyville with their escapades? Seeking a solution, the concerned mares head to Twilight.

Turns out that wasn't the best decision ever.

Chapters (1)

Life on the rock farm is dull, hard and cold. It's also all Marble Pie has ever known. But she doesn't mind being alone in the quiet fields- it gives her time to think.

Once, she admired her sister, Limestone, for stepping up to manage the farm for their elderly parents; now, her admiration has turned to something quite beyond the familial love she knows well. But what will the target of her affections think about her abnormal love- Will she be accepted and her feelings requited, or will she be turned away and disgraced forever?

Chapters (3)

Nightmare Moon, the embodiment of evil, has decided that she must target the hearts and minds of the ponies of Equestria to truly destroy Celestia and take her place. It turns out that creating a kingdom of debauchery and sin was a lot easier a thousand or so years ago.
Still, that won't stop her trying.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer has been living with Twilight for a while now, and naturally, they've grown closer. However, Starlight wasn't aware how close until a sudden burst of feelings spurred on by nothing more than a goodnight kiss gives her a whole lot to think about, which is really hard to do with that beautiful purple mare around. Luckily, there's always someone to lend an ear, no matter the time and place.

Inspired by the season premier and some drunken notes I scribbled down at some point.

(I think this is my first actual shipfic. I think. I also think it turned out quite nicely, but I'll let you be the judge of that.)

Chapters (1)

Equestria's first Longest Night festival is happening, but there's a small technical problem to be solved first.

An entry for Poniverse's Mascot Competition, starring Viridian Meadows of EQ.TV and how she learned of her talents.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia may be an omnipotent demi-god who holds the sun in her hooves, but that doesn't mean she knows how to put her feelings into words any better than any other pony.

Luna, seeing this, wishes to help her, with the aid of a few friends...Even if one of those friends might have tried to take over Equestria a little while ago. Hey, Changelings do survive off of love, right?

Chapters (1)

The Royal Sisters, as siblings generally do, constantly pick fault with, and have fun at the expense of each other. Celestia just has to take that too far one morning, sending Luna into a maniacal drive to find a way to get back at her. Her sense of humour is as old as she, and during the 1,000-year exile, Celestia moved with the time, while she stayed ignorant of such changes, so her methods are...'dated', to say the least.

Involving the law, a camera, some perfect timing, and a cheeky Aide, Luna will have her revenge!

Chapters (1)