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- Luna can't help but notice the signs Twilight has been giving her lately. When things go severely wrong following an incident at a secluded lake, it all becomes too much to ignore, and Luna must make her choices.Sharkfather · 4.6k words · 115 4 · 3.7k views
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Luna is NOT amused! Luna has finally had enough- Celestia's constant ribbing over the years reaches its peak when she accuses the Lunar Princess of having no sense of humour. Luna's humour is just a little 'dated', that's all... by Sharkfather 5,431 words · 63 · 3
Glimmering Twilight Starlight Glimmer has been dealing with some awkward feelings when she's been around Twilight lately. Can she make her move, or will her fear of losing her new friend freeze her in her tracks? by Sharkfather 3,331 words · 112 · 5
Luna's Lovebirds Princess Luna sees Celestia struggling with confessing her feelings, so she decides to help...In her own way. by Sharkfather 3,821 words · 149 · 7
Marbled Lime Marble Pie comes to terms with her not-so-acceptable feelings for her elder sister, Limestone. by Sharkfather 9,220 words · 75 · 12
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I now follow you. Muhahaha....sorry
Mm. Well. Maybe.
I am sorry.
Pls forgiv:(((
How rude.