Blogblog blogblogblog, blog blog blog blogblog, b blog. b · 5:23am Oct 30th, 2024
oh boy! here i go hyperfocusing on mlp fanfiction again!
This, right here, is why you should eat Wheaties in the morning. I guess anything would be better than the two shots of vodka I had.
oh boy! here i go hyperfocusing on mlp fanfiction again!
Tradition dictates that I make a blog from time to time that has absolutely no meaning or purpose.
Think I'll stick with tradition.
Noticed that a whole lot of fuck all is happening in the Brony community, to no real surprise. Man I wish I still had the enthusiasm for this fandom that I used to but man has it stagnated, not a big problem though, people are still churning out good content, I just wish there was more y'know?
You ever play Deep Rock Galactic? Fun game. Dwarves are cool. Big recommend.
You ever read We Don't Go To Sub-Level Five? Good story. Very compelling and fun. Big recommend.
Maybe some day I'll think of something good to put in these blogs, might be a while, I'm no journalist, no one wants to hear about my personal life, and my opinions are bad.
You know what sucks? Human trafficking.
Hm, Blog
Bet you didn't expect THAT did you?
So, Generation 5 came out a while ago, I never watched the movie as I simply don't have the time or interest, I am glad though, that it seems to have turned out good, it seems gen 5 will be one to look forward too.
Been alot of video games that have come out since my last blog, as if my last blog was anything that matters.
WHen the fuck did I get 82 followers?
How did this happen?
What now?
Why are all of you following me all of the sudden?
I never knew him personally, and while I would give some big speech or wise words, i'm simply not fit for it
Rest easy Mythrill.
Wow I just went through the 200 user long list of people i follow and some other things and realized just how much of my life i have wasted on this website.
If there was a word to describe my time on here it would have to be "shit-storm"
Should I start writing blogs? I think I should start writing blogs. sorta like shit-posting but with less memes and more my own thoughts
EDIT: nah probably just memes
EDIT2: nah probably wont at all, to lazy