This story is a sequel to Dazzling Defeat
A few weeks after the events of Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks, the Dazzlings are dealing with being de-powered, but Aria Blaze is hatching a scheme to put the band back on top.
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This story is a sequel to Dazzling Defeat
A few weeks after the events of Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks, the Dazzlings are dealing with being de-powered, but Aria Blaze is hatching a scheme to put the band back on top.
Well the Battle of the Bands is over the good guys won and the Dazzlings lost, big time. Than after a post battle fight Adagio is left with no powers, no minions, and no ride home. But a lonely walk will teach the sinister songstress a valuable lesson about friendship and that maybe just maybe Aria and Sonata are more than just her minions.