• Member Since 11th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2018


I watch Doctor Who, Sherlock, and a show called Studio C. I love Les Miserables and The Phantom of the Opera, and read Percy Jackson, Septimus Heap, and many other books.

Crystal Wishes and Co.


Little Amy's Problems (Other than therapy) · 6:28pm Nov 24th, 2014

SO, I was watching the Eleventh Hour, when I thought of something. I wondered about a few things. First off, how much trouble did little Amy get in when her aunt came home to find the shed destroyed? Did she get in trouble at all? Second, how much food did she have to clean up? I mean, he just spit it out. And then there's the fact that he broke a plate. I mean, HOW on earth did get out of that, and if she didn't, how come we never heard anything about it? If I was Amy, I would have been

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1703870 You're welcome! Thanks for the watch back! And yes, I am.

Thank you for the favorite and the watch (both on here and DeviantArt, if you happen to be RememberOswin)! I really appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

1462475 You're welcome! AmaliaPond suggested you.

Comment posted by Oswin deleted Oct 14th, 2014

Thanks for the watch!

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