No RegretsA story about two alicorn sisters who love each other, and the worst decision they never horizon
6,929 words
· 443 · 13
The Arbitrage of MomentsWhen you have so little, and another has so much, it’s easy to justify theft. The more precious the commodity, the easier it is to tell yourself you need it more than they do. And what is more precious than time?by GaPJaxie
12,168 words
· 408 · 12
Friendship is OptimalHasbro just released the official My Little Pony MMO, with an A.I. Princess Celestia to run Iceman
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· 4,303 · 138
MortalTwilight Sparkle's friends have lived long and happy lives. Now their time is coming to an end, but Rainbow Dash, at least, will not go gently. Twilight has the power to save her friend's life. Is it worth violating the natural order?by Benman
42,470 words
· 992 · 135
Memento MoriTwilight has one final Law of Magic to learn. by Cynewulf
5,181 words
· 860 · 50
TiredPinkie Pie reconnects with a few of her old friends. by Ebon Mane
7,038 words
· 779 · 8
Biblical Monsters"Put your boots on," Adams said. "There's a biblical monster in my house."by Horse Voice
10,189 words
· 1,936 · 168
GiftRarity is a pony of great popularity and esteem. What does a mysterious pony outsider want with her?by shortskirtsandexplosions
17,633 words
· 957 · 34
Best Friends ForeverCelestia pays Twilight and her friends a visit. It has been a very long time since she saw them Obselescence
3,702 words
· 1,355 · 124
The Never-Was and Wouldn't-BeOn the final day before Twilight becomes part of Harmony, Discord arrives to offer her a deal. by Obselescence
4,385 words
· 1,395 · 21
Promised LandTwilight Sparkle has walked the wastelands for a very long time, but now, at last, he has reached the end of his journey. He only hopes now that the gods will listen to his prayers, and finally allow him a good place to Obselescence
7,054 words
· 979 · 23
More Than You KnowPrincess Celestia has been keeping a dark secret from her subjects for a very long time. It's not an easy truth to tell, but if anyone can accept her after learning it, it will surely be her most faithful student. by Obselescence
8,869 words
· 1,440 · 54