• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 4th, 2014


I am a new fanfIc revIewer, If you find a comment from me, It is an honest revIew of the fIc, If I say a bad thing about It, It's probably a bad fIc, I am on a search for a good fIc.


Bye. · 12:01am Sep 4th, 2014

I have requested a ban, you sick f**ks can burn in hell. I WILL BE FREE. OPERATION PINKIE IS A GO!! You all deserve this, you are all people who still live with their mothers. WHY DO YOU SHIP SPARITY!? It could never work! What with the difference in species and age! GO DIE IN A FIRE, CARMINE! YOU ONLY HAVE A FEW YEARS LEFT, NORM! ALL OF YOU ARE LOW LIFE 11 YEAR OLDS WHO DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A GOOD FIC IS AND YOU HAVE TERRIBLE B.O. BECAUSE YOU ONLY WRITE FANFICS! Goodbye...

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I resently joined your reviewing group.
Figured I should see if you are still here.


1381203 You wanted capital i's? WELCOME TO HELL

Capitalize the "I"s in your user description. It's hard for me to take you seriously as a reviewer if you don't do things like that.

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Bye. · 12:01am Sep 4th, 2014

I have requested a ban, you sick f**ks can burn in hell. I WILL BE FREE. OPERATION PINKIE IS A GO!! You all deserve this, you are all people who still live with their mothers. WHY DO YOU SHIP SPARITY!? It could never work! What with the difference in species and age! GO DIE IN A FIRE, CARMINE! YOU ONLY HAVE A FEW YEARS LEFT, NORM! ALL OF YOU ARE LOW LIFE 11 YEAR OLDS WHO DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A GOOD FIC IS AND YOU HAVE TERRIBLE B.O. BECAUSE YOU ONLY WRITE FANFICS! Goodbye...

Report FicReviews · 334 views ·