Why 'Inquisitor'? Because 'Forty two': the most important lesson I ever learned. Any answer is worthless until you have the right question. Author, editor, critic, but foremost, a philosopher.
Everyone knows the old fable, but deep in the past, in the lands beyond the fledgeling Equestria, one pony took a very special interest in its origin. Now that she tracked it to its source, she has a plan, and all she needs is wit and word.
A pony very close to Luna notices that she's been sneaking off after nightfall for some time. When that pony has all the tact of a battleship, the only thing for sure is that things are about to get heated.
Cadance, Discord, and Fluttershy set off in search of something buried in the frozen north. But it's going to take teamwork to find it, and it's not the Princess of Love or the Lord of Chaos that are holding all the cards.