• Member Since 10th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen November 22nd


The Big-Bang was an accident, I swear! -Anima & Mundus.


You've been dormant for a long while, but finally, your time has come. Your Archqueen has awakened you and tasked you with establishing a new hive, your hive.

As a newly spawned changeling Queen, it is your duty to care for your hive and protect it from hostiles changelings, pony guards, and starvation.

Will you be subtle or hunt for love? Will you find allies among other changelings hives and ponies or conquer them all?

Author's Note:

This is a comment driven story set before the changeling invasion of Canterlot.
Cover art from Jeatz-Axl.
Check out the Interactive stories Support Links!

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to The Queen of the Royal Guard

With Hearth's Warming Eve almost upon us, Morning and his teammates finally get the rest they deserved.

Wanting to do one last sweep around the Badlands before enjoying the holiday with his friends, Morning discovered that the changeling that tried to fool him on the changeling hatchery is still stuck on the wall as punishment from its queen!

Feeling the holiday spirit, Morning offers a truce, which the "Stuckling" reluctantly accepted. Maybe even changelings and ponies can become friends during this magical holiday?

Author's Note:
This is just a Non-Cannon spinoff idea that got stuck in my mind... You can thank Viper Pit for this one :rainbowlaugh:
Cover art from Somepony

Chapters (1)

After years of conflict, ponies and changelings finally came together in harmony and friendship. Now, a couple of years since the new alliance, drone CD-042 or Mending Heart is preparing her house for the most important Hearth's Warming Eve of her entire life, when she would make a surprise for her coltfriend.

Little did she knew that her coltfriend, Ancient Scroll, also had a surprise planned for her.

Author's Note:
Written for the Categoricalgrant's cuddlefic contest!
Cover art from Lattynskit
Now with a reading by Skijarama! You can find it here!

Chapters (1)

Decades after the sunshine and rainbows day, Equestria slowly began to bring back it's old traditions.

Now, Nightmare Night is not only a time to play with your foals and eat some candy, it is also a time to remember and celebrate that even when the bombs fell, and extinction seemed inevitable, life found a way.

On this night, three fillies go around town trick or treating a bit too far away from home and find themselves in danger...

If only there was some kind of vigilante to help them with the situation...

Author's note:
Thanks to Kkat for creating Fallout: Equestria's amazing universe!
Cover provided by my friend Uma Lacraia!
A Halloween/ Day-that-the-bombs-fell-in-Fallout-lore special.

Chapters (1)

Imprisonment on the moon.
That was the sentence charged against the weakened form of Nightmare Moon.

Years of solitude threatened her sanity, but there was hope. She could hear distant voices calling her a single night every year. Ponies finally appreciated her night!

Unfortunately, her greatest hope turned into her greatest torment.

Author's note:
My entry at the Nightmare Moon Group picture prompt contest!

Chapters (1)

The Changelings were pushed back after their failed attack at Canterlot. But even with their members scattered around the Badlands, they threaten the borders of Equestria, seeking revenge. Dodge Junction being in the most immediate danger, the Royal Guard is sent there to protect it. There, a pegasus soldier Called Morning Rays finds something that will change his life forever.

Author's note:
Cover provided by my friend EverfreePony!

Chapters (3)

Tensions were rising between Equestria and Roam, the war was almost there. As a last effort to avoid the war, the ponies sent an earth pony mare named Violet Amulet as an ambassador to the capital of Roam. There, she would find the love of her life in the form of the Roam army official Romelus Montakeus.

Will their love be able to survive the war?

Author's note:
Thanks to Kkat for creating Fallout: Equestria's amazing universe!
Cover provided by my friend Uma Lacraia!

Chapters (3)