• Member Since 28th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 22nd, 2015

PB Crackers

Comments ( 3 )
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Thanks for the watch M8!! :D

1380393 I loved your idea to rewrite the movie and how you're going about it. I hate it when something has the right amount of potential like that but executed poorly (I still enjoyed the movie though :pinkiehappy:). I like that you actually placed Twilight and Spike in our world as opposed to an alternate universe to our world like in the original (if that made sense). You do have a few grammar errors but I've seen worse and didn't notice most of them. Good job on the story so far. :yay: more plz
P.S. sorry if this is long I don't comment very often

Thank you for the favorite on to be human. And may I ask, what earned it?

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