
News · 2:46pm Sep 8th, 2012

I'm rewriting 'Life Giver', and making it better. Don't worry it will have the same story line, I just want to re write it to clear up the story.

Report Nightwatcher · 262 views ·

Thinking · 5:29am Aug 23rd, 2012

I was thinking about re writing dear twilight into a full story, the original story was only a joke/fling for my (at the time) 20ish followers and as such I did not put my full potential into it. So what do you think, should I do it? Might need a pre-reader if I do.

( side note, next chap 4 life giver coming soon)

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Another update · 8:10pm Aug 11th, 2012

The new chapter to Live Giver will be released today or tomorrow depending on how certain outstanding circumstances play out. I have had some real life troubles that have delayed the chapter but everything has been dealt with so expect a normal updating schedule. No one responded to my last post so i'm asking once more, do you all want a codex like thing for info on the story, yes/no ?

P.S. Thanks for all the love and support.

Report Nightwatcher · 435 views ·

Update · 12:31am Jul 29th, 2012

Life giver will be released late today it everything goes as planed, as stated it will be told from the humans point of view (in first person format) from when they first discovered the ponies and the effect that had on the humans and ponies. It will be marked as mature. This story will set the stage for the story after 'The gods in the stars'. I was wondering of you all wanted something like a codex? If you do just comment below, If you do then I will start another blog that is called 'CODEX'

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Life Giver · 5:13am Jul 18th, 2012

HELLO, I have good and bad news, I have started work on life giver after a short brake as to not burn out. Although it will likely be a while before I release it as I have to make up all of the lore , history and technology for the humans in my story, I would like someone to bounce ideas off of to see if my tech would be possible in real life, because I want it to be as 'realistic' as possible, so if any of you are willing to help just comment below.

Report Nightwatcher · 421 views ·