• Member Since 16th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 5th, 2015

Dancing Ballerina

Just another pegasister in the neighborhood having fun out there.

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What?! You're watching me?! W-Where's the camera?! The microphone?! DON'T LOOK IN THE SECRET COMPARTMENT OF MY SECRET BOX!

:rainbowderp: - Oh, hey Twilight. You um... have a new follower. Why am I telling you this?

:twilightsmile: - Hello Dancing Ballerina! Thank you so much for liking my stories! I very much appreciate your joining our troupe, and hope to remain entertaining and topical!

:rainbowhuh: - ... so what do I do now?

:twilightblush: - Usually Pinkie Pie says something derogatory about my writing and social demeanour, then I grudgingly take offence and bitch comically.

:rainbowderp: - ... seriously? That's what you guys do for followers? A bunch of one off antics to placate any applicants that decide to see how badly you write?

:facehoof: - You're the worst public relations pony EVER, Dash.

:pinkiehappy: - On that note, let me thank you for the following and interest, Dancing! We're super stoked about it! Please let us know how you feel and like what we do! It means a lot to us!

:twilightoops: - Pinkie!? I thought you were on holiday!

:pinkiehappy: - Like I'd miss a new follower, silly princess! You should know better!

:rainbowhuh: - Do I still get paid for this?

:facehoof: - ... bucking union regulations.

Comment posted by Twifight Sparkill deleted Aug 3rd, 2014

Thanks for the follow! :ajsmug::rainbowwild:

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