• Member Since 14th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 28th, 2019

sci-fi fanatic

I love the humans treated like animals fanfiction. My favorite characters are twilight pinkie pie applejack and fluttershy. The others are good too these are just my favorites

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Comments ( 28 )
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Thanks, I hadn't thought of that yet. I'm gonna wait till i have another chap or two then spread it around. Glad you enjoyed it :)

No problem, magna85, I'm sure it will be great :)

Thank you for the favorite on Angel of Gold! I hope you enjoy the adventure.

i understand where you are coming from. i myself enjoy a good HiE with a good Anti-Hero. its gotten quite bored reading stories about human showing up and makes friends with the main six and silly and awkward stuff happens to them. stories like human treated like animal and other stories similar are usually different than most, and gives you a good original story. i have not read very many but i understand the interest in reading a human treated like animal.

1500780 think about it this way: do the animals in real life like how we treat them? There's really no proof that they can't become as intelligent as us one day, if they aren't already. There are already so many similarities between humans and animals, that there's no telling what they're capable of. And if they're already intelligent, they obviously have no way of showing it, or choose not to, so it would seem like they either enjoy it, or at least tolerate it. I think that if humans were overpowered by some alien race, and couldn't communicate with them, then maybe over time, we would start to feel this way as well. And the cycle would repeat itself all over again until it was further acknowledged that there is truly no dominate species

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