Feeling post · 3:14am Apr 10th, 2013
I have a headache!!!!
I have a headache!!!!
Pinkamena returned in magic cure with AJ's Cutie mark man i wondered when she would ever come back
Happy Valentines everyone from Pinkamena777
wait sorry need some cheerful music
I just figured out that my sister is at work till 4 to 8:30 so she will be gone
My grandma and my sisters kids were suppose to come over but my sister's been drinking and the next they there arguing and.....its just ruined....its not just that she ruins everything she messed up her kid,shes consantly arguing with my mother and fighting with her...i just hate my life..i mean we can't just have one good day without someone yelling and making the neighbors call the cops at like 12:00 in the morning...my life sucks and im asking...no im begging for it to end soon
this season is the best season ever i mean we had a return of trixie,Lots of new ponies are in there like: Lighting Dust,Babs Seed and King sombra,Scootaloo finally got rainbow dash as a sister
I mean wow this has got to be the best season ever,Hey what is your favorite episode so far?
Guys stop it with the stories and pictures of trixie,Haft of us wants to be surpised when the episode actually comes out
What do you guys suppose magic duel is,My friend thinks Trixie will return and Im trying to figure it out on my own so...What do you think?
Really babs a new pony and i thought people would have made lots of stories about her like sombra,Its just really weird...