I am 20, Brony, and Christian(And proud of it!). Also I am a gamer to my bones.
"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?
I'm an avid reader and an author with a lot to learn. With the help of fellow authors though, I hope to make a stories that will make them proud!
I write very creative fanfictions that takes place across numinous universes
Since the show over, I'm gone, no more stories from me
I am an avid reader and writer on Fimfiction. So much so, that I simply do not have the time to be writing a long biography.
I am sort of an amateur writer but I love creative writing. Especially about topics that I love.
I am the Autistic Writer. I have Autism (Aspergers Syndrome), but that doesn't stop me from writing great stories.
I have loved learning about My Little Pony since the begining when it was first called My Pretty Pony in 1981. And then watching it. I have not written any fan stories but I enjoy reading very much.
I'm a shielder (nickname my friend Shelley gave me bc I'm a huge fan of the WWE's shield), a directioner, and an Ambrose fangirl. I'm 17 and I love JROTC!
I am a Brony Analyst spectaculaire on You Tube and I am passionate about catalyzing a more environmentally sustainable future in real life. Doing my best to love God and love people
Hi!! Christian, Brony author trying to get into writing. Gonna write all sorts of stuff, hopefully! (smile face emote)
I’m a feminist woman looking to write stories on a male dominated site. It’s an uphill battle but a satisfying one, only as long as I succeed.
I like watching the sunset and enjoy moonlit strolls everynight. I also have ADHD.
I write poni. I am easily distracted. I like Oreos.
In additon FiM I enjoy RPGs, Manga, Graphic Novels, Anime, Scifi, and Fantasy
Stress is caused by being 'here' but wanting to be 'there'. -Eckhart Tolle
"The future is bulletproof! The aftermath is secondary!" ~My Chemical Romance; Na Na Na
I am Evangelina Valery Astaria Discordia. I will do anything to protect my kingdom and the one I love Eris H. Discordia also the kids we have.
Do I look I know what a JPEG is? I just want a picture of a hot dog.
I'm Australian, a dragon fan, and I like to shot things in video games. If that's not a short description of me then I don't know what is.
Hey everyone. I'll keep this simple, I am not anyone important. I am here to provide you with something, hopefully, interesting to read. So please, enjoy yourself!
I am but a humble weaver of words hoping to expand the loom of understanding. What are we but strings in a greater fabric?
I'm just a crazy guy with a creepy imagination and I want to hug everypony
I am an amatuer Writer/Artist. I write what I love, and I LOVE what I write. and, I don't care what others think (but, I will speak my mind if I deem it necessary.)
Just another guy who wants to let out ideas through stories.