• Member Since 20th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago

Leaf Whisper

Just an adventure/mystery fanfiction-writing brony from the state of Vermont who hopes that you enjoy his work.

My Other Favorite Works

About Me

Hello there! My name is Leaf Whisper, and I'm a criminal justice graduate and former correctional officer, born and raised in Vermont, USA.

As a creative outlet and to express my love for the My Little Pony series and its fandom, I write a fanfiction series starring my OC, private detective Phillip Finder, as well as occasional short stories with other characters. I enjoy placing the ideas that I make out there for myself and for others to see.

Any comments, constructive criticism and thumbs up that you feel like giving would be greatly appreciated, so I can write better stories for you all to enjoy! Please feel free to look around!

You can also find a gallery of artwork based on my series here and here

And follow me on BlueSky!

Well, that's pretty much it. Have fun!

For personal reasons, I have decided to remove the original Phillip Finder series from my Fimfic page. You can still find them on my deviantArt page.


Ponyville Noire: Behind the Scenes! · 9:13pm Aug 11th, 2020

Hey guys, this is something I wanted to do for a while: just make a blog post detailing my thoughts behind creating the Ponyville Noire series. Let me preface this by saying thank you for reading and enjoying my work: seeing your likes and comments keeps me going even when writing becomes difficult! It really does mean a lot to me that my stories do bring a bit of happiness to people!

With that out of the way, let’s get started with my worldbuilding process. 

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Comments ( 187 )
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Thanks for your interest in To Our Dear Children....



Thanks for adding my story to your list! I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for the fave as always :twilightsmile:

I appreciate the favorite

Aww, I'm always here for ya, bud! 😇

You okay?

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