• Member Since 18th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 16th, 2024

Brave Soul - Archive

"I thought this meant a lot to you...?" "That's the only kind of gift worth givin'. I want to entrust it to you so I am. What you do from here is your call."


Brave Soul's cutie mark is a curse, a reminder that he's a dangerous pony. A chance meeting with a bully of his turns bloody.

But just as hope seems lost, a light shines through.


Brave Soul is my OC.
Melody Smiles is the OC of Adorkable Sunshine.
I had an idea for a cutie mark story for Brave, and I decided to put pen to paper.
WARNING: contains blood and a hint at a suicide attempt. And some snuggling (hence the Romance tag) at the end.

You would think half a year of pandemic would yield more stories, right? Well... no.

Chapters (1)

Night Flight was like any other bat pony: webbed wings, nice fangs, fluffy ears, and an extreme taste for mangoes.
Then the mango decides (as best as an inanimate object can) to retaliate somehow.
It would not go down without a fight.


Conceived at half-past 1 AM.
Hey, at least I finally wrote a bat pony story.

Cover art done by Snow Quill!

Chapters (1)

Brave Soul, a warrior and musician with a heart of steel, has but one real fear:
So when a fly infiltrates his inner sanctum, will he triumph over the six-legged monster, or will he be too petrified to get his house back?

Who knows, really?

Chapters (1)

A pony finds himself in a meadow within his dream. He meets a strange figure.

What he is told will change his outlook on life.


The last story I published was nearly a whole year ago. Then I had an epiphany for a new one after reading a particular comment on YouTube (no, I'm serious). What a way to come back.

Chapters (1)

Everyone at Canterlot High School says that Sunset Shimmer has bacon-colored hair. What Pinkie Pie sets out to accomplish one day is to answer an age-old question: does Sunset's hair TASTE like bacon?

Needless to say, the adventure proves to be quite... Indescribable.


I literally came up with this at 5:30 in the morning one day.:derpytongue2::pinkiecrazy:
The timeline is after Friendship Games, but before Legend of Everfree. I've yet to see LoE as of 11-14-16.

Chapters (1)

Twilight woke up to a horrific sight: she overslept and is late on Picture Day! Will she be able to make it on time for a good picture, or will she end up with a blank slot in the school yearbook?


Based on semi-true events that happened to me on August 17, 2016. I wasn't late on this particular Picture Day, but there was a mix-up. The only good thing that came out of it was inspiration.
This is story is kind of a spiritual successor to my first successful story on this site, Twilight's Name Tag is Missing (read that, by the way; see how I've evolved from novice writer to pretty decent writer). Hope you enjoy!
"Tragedy" tag is used as a joke.
Follow the awesome artist, Alyssa Hartwick, right here: Hit that Follow button nice and good!

Chapters (1)

My name is Bold Buck. I lost someone very dear to me. Forever.


Let me just go off on a whim, I made this story back in mid 2015 (May 8) when I thought my friend Bloodwing01 committed suicide. Work halted on this story seemingly indefinitely, and is one of two stories I aimed to work on and complete by the end of 2016, or by March of the same year.

Is this a story meant to help those who are contemplating suicide? Yes.
I decided to finish this one since it's the one that's been collecting the most dust that I haven't completed yet, and as of this edit in the long description on April 19, 2016, I am also working on Rainbow Dash Vs. The Bed (goodness knows I'll get to that).
The layout is reminiscent of my other story, Never Forget... (read that, by the way), except this one deals with suicide of a dear friend as opposed to the presumed death of a mother.
Story was originally called, "From Darkness Comes Light". Felt this title was more appropriate.

Chapters (1)

Twilight wanted a nice, relaxing Saturday morning. All hopes were dashed once she had a plate of pancakes.
Then she turns her back for a split second, and the plate is empty. She wants to know who this criminal of the highest order is.


This just came up. Seriously, this just happened. No inspiration, it just did.
Huh. Tenth story. Well. Did not expect to make this many this quick. Yay?

Chapters (1)

Spitfire just wanted a normal day to the Cloudsdale market to buy some apples. Here's the catch: there's a little blue pegasus that keeps following her around...
And why does she keep yelling, "Mommy!"?


When pictures give you ideas, it's up to your imagination whether you wanna turn it into a story.

FEATURED on 1/28/16!

Dramatic reading by SkyOfStorms! Check it out here!

Chapters (1)

Luna always loves a hot apple pie for breakfast. How hard can it be this time?


Came up with this during school, wrote it out in under an hour.
Prepare, Majin Syeekoh. I'm coming.
Cover art done by Crimsion Ink! Follow her! Do it! DO IT NOW!!!

Chapters (1)