Hello Everypony I am just your normal average writer. i may not be good at it but i still write for the inspiration in my heart and for the people who like what i like. Thanks to all of you by the way
I've done both good and bad things in my life. I fight for myself and those I care about. Should you try to hurt my family, I'll track you to the ends of the wastes and I'll end you slowly, no mercy.
I'm a man that given lemons I shall question life's motives and if there are none I shall rake the lemons and shove them into life's many holes
give man a fish, feed him for a day. Don't give him a fish and feed your self, he's a grown man. besides, fishing isn't that hard.
All I do with my free time is skate, play games, read, and play basketball. I also share this account with a friend.
I'm cosplayer, Brony, and more (* cough * Gamer * cough * cough *).
I finally figured out how to put this thing on my profile. This is the best thing to happen to me since Princess Celestia teleported me to Equestria so that I could romance her student and sister.