followers? wait WHAT? does not compute... · 10:23pm Sep 29th, 2014
I am someone who does not comment much/ does not write stories/ does not join Groups/ does not follow other members on this site and pretty much goes for my own gig and despite this loner attitude two individuals still choose to follow me, why ? I mean you can if you want but I donĀ“t see the glamour or purpose behind it (if you really want to that is really fine, whathever floats your boats ) and I would be interesting to see reasons behind this action (EXPLAIN, EXPLAIN
Thanks for the fav on Fighting Games Aren't Just for Mares!
I like your style with that uncertain favourite XD thanks anyway dude!
Ty for the fave
Uncertain Favorites, huh? That's actually exactly what I use my read it later bookshelf for lol
2437363 Thank you for your input! I will take note of this.