Otherwise known as Alastor Deer Daddy~
"Jimmy Hook's the Name, Transformations is my Game" (Victim of The Cursed Gift since September 2016)
Whosoever holds this blade, if they be worthy, shall be king of all England.
Just for shits and giggles and other random stupid crap I think of and fell like writing
I wish I was enough. But I'm not and never will be.
Hi!! I am a girl. Who: likes video games,music and reading. I hate: Math, shopping and such things. I like to chat, RP and so on. My fav ponies: Pinkie Pie (of course), DT, SS,...Warning:crazy,wierd
A teller of tales, whenever I can manage to find my quills and inkwell, that is! Send me a PM if you want to chat!
Just a young amateur writer who just wants to read and learn, nothing more
I'm just a guy that got into MLP after listening to Doctor Whooves and Assistant, Doctor Whooves Adventures and Doctor Whooves The Great radioplays.
Mares are cute. They are also fluffy. I want to pet the pretty mares and give them snuggles.
I kick evil in the NARDS ! Here be thy Patronage Page !
Blades Cut Flesh. Hammers Break Bones. Words Slit Minds.
Just a depressed French-Canadien who love to laugh while reading some good fanfiction.
This, right here, is why you should eat Wheaties in the morning. I guess anything would be better than the two shots of vodka I had.
If I leave my grin behind, remind me that we're all mad here and it's okay.
I put out fires, write stories, other fun stuff in between too~
I am the prettiest shade of gray~ enjoy my stories!
I'm a Changeling, though unassociated with any hive, at least now I am. Also, why are you reading this? Are you lost?
I believe in my whole race. Yellow, white, black, red, brown in the honesty, courage, intelligence, durability and goodness of the overwhelming majority of my brothers and sisters everywhere