A guy from switzerland who likes cheese, mountains and horse words.... lots and lots of horse words.
All hail best human Sunset Shimmer! Now welcome all to The Destiny of the Ancients
Sometimes I wrestle with my demons. Other times we just cuddle.
That sunny dome! those caves of ice! And all who heard should see them there, And all should cry, Beware! Beware!
Once upon a time, I dreamt of being a mad scientist when I grew up. After much consideration, I realised that science is quite hard. So I became a mad writer instead, which is much easier. True story.
CvBrony here, you can call me Cv ("cee vee"). My wife poked me hard enough to try the show, and a bit later, here I am. Now with Patreon!
When everyone and everything seems dark, don't be. My Patrons let me keep writing, at: https://www.patreon.com/RealStarscribe
Just a hobbyist writer with aspirations of making a career in it.
Working on new stuff always, I'll be back before you know it.
A Midwest brony who enjoys writing about adorkable unicorns and alien invasions. Come join me for XCOM 2 livestreams!
Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...
Lecturer by day, pony word peddler by night.
"Gold for the merchant, silver for the maid / Copper for the craftsman, cunning in his trade / 'Good', laughed the Baron, sitting in his hall / But iron - cold iron - shall be the master of them all."