Luna and celestia has enjoyed being together when they were fillies. But Luna turned to nightmare moon. And Celestia misses her sister and does evrything she can to bring her back.
Luna met a pony named StarBurst. They became closer as friends. Then they set off for an adventure. Strange things has been happening along the way. Then both ponies had reached what's beyond the forest. Danger is in every corner.
The Old StoriesThere are stories which define us. Stories that inspire us. And there are stories that damn Thanqol
9,277 words
· 543 · 4
Dash to The SunPrincess Celestia was actually never at the Seapony's realm for a vacation, she was kidnapped by somepony...or ponies. It's up to Rainbow Dash and her sisters to find her, however, the obstacles ahead are unknown and dangerous. by Solar Flare_28
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· 21 · 1
NightmareAllen goes to sleep one night and when he wakes up he finds himself in the body of a pony. One of the villains to be more Blackdrag-rose
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Whispers in the CliffsAfter Applejack tells Apple Bloom the truth about her parents, the filly goes on a journey to find them. by DitzyDash
4,090 words
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