• Member Since 7th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 20th, 2021


Comments ( 10 )
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Thank you so much! That's very kind of you to say, and I hope you continue to enjoy it. If you've got any specific feedback, I'm always looking for ways to improve. :twilightsmile:

1924951 Well this is unexpected :twilightsheepish: I've just been reading Sensation and it's probably one of the best-executed ship fics I've read to date. Plus it's one of like only three good m/m ship fics on this site. Can't wait to see what you do in the future!

Hey there, Sepiida! Thanks for the watch! Can I ask how I earned it?

Welcome to the Fallout: Equestria forums! I am your friendly neighborhood Interloper, (one of) the Fallout: Equestria group's Overstallions (admins), and I'm here to help! If you need anything, or have any questions about the group, anything FO:E related, advice, where to start, etc, etc, please do PM me! Additionally, if you're planning on writing an FO:E sidefic, I suggest stopping by our forums and checking out one of our many guides that are pinned there.

1586536 no problem lightning

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