• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday


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Found 4 stories in 41ms

Total Words: 800,876
Estimated Reading: 2 days


After Sweetie Belle sees a description in a magazine of all the opportunities in Japan in the year 1996, the CMC decide to embark on a cross-Pacific flight from San Francisco to Tokyo. 35,000 feet. 500 MPH. 12 hours. 3 hyperactive wonderful little fillies...what could possibly go wrong?

Set in totallynotabrony's Battleships Are Magic Universe.

Chapters (3)

Everypony who knows Fluttershy has no doubt noticed that she possesses some strange phobias...but when those phobias are magnified by the effects of some accidentally ingested Poison Joke, will her poor heart be able to take the mayhem that ensues as her greatest and unfounded fears spring to life?
Also, suddenly Flutterguy...

Please don't take this too seriously (I love Fluttershy to death) X3
Rated Teen for mild language and random weird moments!

Chapters (1)

The Blue Angels: the greatest stunt pilot group on or above Earth. When one of their recruits is involved in a horrible mid-flight accident, the last thing he ever expected was being saved by a blue angel of his own...

^------------Inspired by this epic pic by johnjoseco.deviantart.com

WARNING: This story contains quite a bit of Applied and Theoretical Physics, so just a heads up! ^^;

Also contains strong language/suggestive content when appropriate
MAY become mature later on depending on reader feedback...which I do greatly appreciate and welcome :)

Further Story-related information may be found here:http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/92839

Song Playlist (warning, may contain spoilers!) :
Blue Angel Playlist

Blue Angel now has a TVTropes Page!

Chapters (72)

Ever had a desire to stop being buffeted along by life, and just go back to the good ol' days?
A young entrepreneur is tired of the hustle and bustle and corruption of the big city and returns to his hometown in the country, hoping for a simpler, happier life...but although his personal battle for happiness is only just beginning, a certain family is about to become more than just his inspiration to fight on...

Chapters (4)