I like gaming and Rainbow Dash. I wish to marry her, I know, I like one techni-colored pony.
As a writer you ask yourself to dream while you're awake. As an editor you ask yourself how to change a story while leaving it the same.
Here I go : I am 13 and.. Nevermind I just like art and writing
The Goal... 200+ mph in the Standing Mile. To Tartarus with academy records, I want to hold a Land Speed Record.
"I left him a word. That word is 'nineteen'. If you say it to him, his mind will be opened. He will tell you what he saw."
Inconsistently making my favorite ponies miserable since 2011
I indulge myself in the pleasures of the company of rather small and colorful talking horse, there is no more that needs to be said...
Small time Writer looking to go big, but know its a dream till further notice. Have some great ideas and a awesome "everybody loves me" personality.
Just a Mum, missing her son. I live in Adelaide, South Australia.
I write when I'm motivated, which, I am disappointed in myself to say, is few and far between, so don't expect chapters often. I'm also a sub par HiE writer that occasionally writes other things.
"It's Meta. He hates everything. That's just his purpose; in denying it he would deny himself." -Officer Hot-Pants. "MetaKnight145, somewhat friendly misanthrope who lives on pornsites." -Mr. Grimdark
"Pulling a Mordecai" (verb) - The act of never making a move, while at the same time, not knowing what to do with your hands.
Before the change, I read over 25 million words. Yay me, I guess.
Hi! I'm Lurks-no-More: a pony writer, RPG player, SF and fantasy fan, and a general nerd. I hope you enjoy my stories!
I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!
Aspiring film editor. When I write I shoot for awesome and nothing less. Anti-censorship and pro free-speech.
I write pones and Humans. Or, at least, try to. Also a massive faggot for Sabaton. PM me Joakim pics.
Hi there! I decided to change my bio to a sexy inspirational quote! Everyone wants happiness, no one want pain, but u can't have a rainbow without a little rain :') follow & get hugs+cookies! *huggle*
Everyone Needs A Creeper, A Personal Space And Privacy Grim Reaper. Also Hail Minty p.s. I'll steal yo gurl, yo husbund, yo house, yo cids, yo dawg, and yo side bae
I'm from Cardiff, Wales and I am now a Brony author seeking to satisfy my readers!