There are only three real monsters: Dracula, Blackula, and Son of Kong.
A Midwest brony who enjoys writing about adorkable unicorns and alien invasions. Come join me for XCOM 2 livestreams!
An indecisive procrastinator who, when not trying to figure out what to do with himself, writes like a speeding glacier. 日本語が分かりますか?
My friends call me Spectra! Everyone else says "Ah, how did this horse get in here!?"
Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world. -The Buddha
I write pony words. Millions of them. Some people actually think they might be worth reading. I am very thankful for that. Also, I have a Patreon now?
Hi! I'm some guy who flails at a keyboard and then suddenly has popular changeling fanfiction. If anybody finds out how I did it, please tell me.
Hello! I am Ceehoff, and as you see, I'm the author of "Equestria's First Human". Welcome to my FimFiction page! Here, you can read the other stories I have written other than EFH. Enjoy your stay!
I write lots and lots of horse words; everything from comedy to drama. If you like what I write, please support me on Patreon.
A fan-fiction author and game programmer that lives in Glendale, CA.
"Gold for the merchant, silver for the maid / Copper for the craftsman, cunning in his trade / 'Good', laughed the Baron, sitting in his hall / But iron - cold iron - shall be the master of them all."
That girl that writes things you may or may not read. TG stuff, probably. Avatar is of Eventide from my story In Another World with Equestria Girls.
I'm guy who sometimes writes fanfiction. I like bacon.