Those who can't do, teach. And those who can't teach, make MLP audio books, apparently.
The 18th and final chapter of "Heteropaternal Superfecundation" by Thornquill goes up today! Playlist link:
First three chapters are live, and I'm aiming to release new chapters every Monday and Friday!
Once upon a time, while I was a guest on The Barcast, I challenged anonpencil with a writing prompt.
Without setting any conditions or restrictions beforehand.
Mistakes were made.
It's too lewd to link here, but find the reading on my YouTube channel.
Sneaking in a short horror reading just in time for the big day:
Thanks to The Balefire Pegasus for the recommendation!
The Holidays are fast approaching, and since I the last time I crowdsourced fic recommendations it turned into one of my favorite readings of all time, I'm at it again!
Is there a particularly spoopy scary fic that you'd just love to see made into a Nightmare Night audio play? Are you aching to get your cockles warmed by a lovey-dovey Hearth's Warming audio book? Submit your recommendations below!