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No Baths
There are many fillies and colts that don't enjoy taking baths. Scootaloo is one of them...
by Chat Noir
1,017 words
· 125 · 4
Burning Cereal
Rainbow Dash was trying to make Scootaloo breakfast, but somehow she burnt the cereal...
by Chat Noir
1,814 words
· 65 · 4
Water Squirter
Fluttershy's friends don't think she has the guts to pull the trigger on them. Well, think again.
by Chat Noir
2,098 words
· 60 · 2
Are you active again?
Congrats on the feature! Sorry if i'm a bit late
I agree with you there; Scoots is definitely best Crusader!

Thank you for the follow, Scootaloo
1370074 (Okay.)
1370067 (A PM please)
1370065 (If you want we can talk in PM? Or do you have Google+?)
1370061 (That's cool.)
1370059 (Yeah I am. I changed my name.)
1370057 (Sure. Are you Rainbow Dash99?)
1370036 (Hey, do you feel like chatting?)
1370034 No problem!
1303503 "Whatever you say."
1301817 Thanks so much! I appreciate it!
Hey Scoots! How have ya been?
1301077 I understand Scoots
I will talk in a PM, sorry about the dislikes on the page by the way.
Wanna make a group with Dash, Factory, and me?