Thunderlane managed to get Gilda to agree to staying around for the holiday season, and now she's starting to think she should have left.
Written for Athlon2736 for Jinglemas 2024
Crossovers and Sci-Fi are my bread and butter.
Found 19 stories in 30ms
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Thunderlane managed to get Gilda to agree to staying around for the holiday season, and now she's starting to think she should have left.
Written for Athlon2736 for Jinglemas 2024
Forgotten and forlorn, Chrysalis is found alone beneath Maretime Bay. Will she find comfort during the cold night?
Written for QueenChrysalisForever for Jinglemas 2024
With the greatest holiday season of the year around the corner, Sunny is hard-pressed to try and make Hearth's warming special for her marefriend. In an attempt to bridge the gap between their interests, she aims to make the holiday as great as the old ones from ages ago.
Written for Love and What Came After for Jinglemas 2023
After once more being denied the chance to celebrate Wishday, Misty is given an assignment on the holiday's eve to take an artifact containing a well of immense power, one that might grant Opaline all the power she needs to regain her former power. However, while interacting with the relic, she's visited by the spirit of a pony who gave her very soul to protect it, leading Misty to rethink her harrowing life.
Written for Emotion-Nexus for Jinglemas 2022!
For Harshwhinny, the end of the year is simultaneously the most relaxing and harrowing time of the year. On the one hoof, she spends two months organizing the Equestria games from top to bottom. In the last month, however, she gets to unwind with ample free time, and plans on spending her month off in the wonderful Crystal Empire.
Written for TheJackOfTales for Jinglemas 2022!
Falling Star is a simple Kirin. He enjoys life in a simple little cottage in a small forest town. As the days pass on by, he reminisces on his time in the Kirin village, the curse of Niriks, and how such a difference makes the world to him.
A Kirinfest 2022 story for Petrichord.
After spending years as friends, Sunset decides to bring her close friend to her magical home world of Equestria for the holiday season. The prospect of studying the alien world and its holiday thrills Twilight to no end, though the two are certainly surprised by who they end up meeting on the other side.
Written for Spark Plug for Jinglemas 2021.
Spending another Hearth's Warming on patrol, Flash Sentry makes the rounds through the cold streets of the Crystal Empire. Bogged in his mind and body by the emptiness and cold, both within and without, he finds himself associating with a strange pony before the day is over.
Written for daOtterGuy for Jinglemas 2021
Thanks to Scarlet Ribbon for helping proofread the story.
Months have passed since the Aliana's Pride, a human starship, landed in Equestria. Now properly integrated in the society of small ponies, the hundred and twenty crewmen have adjusted well enough in the unfamiliar land. All except one, that is. A man who's more concerned with his work than anything else is summoned before Princess Twilight Sparkle, and faces punishment for a severe crime.
Written for CategoricalGrant's 2021 Cuddlefic Contest