• Member Since 26th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 27th, 2017


I love reading, writing, watching FIM, math, drawing... I like a lot. (Avatar created in SketchBookPro)

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Total Words: 4,552
Estimated Reading: 18 minutes


This is a one-shot about Luna's first April Foal's, where she sets up an epic prank, and does it with a little help.
Equestria is doomed.

(This does contradict some of the history in 'The Journal of the Two Sisters', but it follows the show's canon, so that's why there's no AU tag. Hope you enjoy this!)

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide the best way to earn their cutie marks is to interview EVERYPONY to see how they earned theirs, and record it in a book authorized by Princess Celestia, all fees paid.
And Luna shall be their escort.
This cannot end well.

This was inspired by the Episode: The Cutie Mark Chronicles

Yes, I drew the cover image.

Chapters (1)