• Member Since 16th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Dreamy Days

I write stories about villains.

Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 13 - 22 of 22

Now that is interesting. Just made an amusing discovery. Very recently you gave me a follow. I check the list and you are there, but the number of followers remains exactly 100. I could have sworn I reached 100 awhile ago. I checked my own blogs, the last one I did in fact, and discovered that indeed, I noticed I had 100 followers back in October 16th of 2023. So, either fimfiction isn't reporting any number of followers beyond 100 for me, or someone dropped out and when you took that person's place, it got to be 100 again.

I take that as a sign too. Anyways, congratulations and thank you.

Oh man. Just noticed the last comment posted here before this one was back in 2015. Wow.

Is he dead? Gone? Left? Incapacitated? Suffering from amnesia? Did he leave the fandom? Who knows?

1981835 I agree with that statement.

Still alive and kicking?

1245583 Ah. Well, all you can do is give it your best shot and go for it. If you keep striving to do your best, you'll keep getting better and better at it.

1245579 Convincing myself my work is readable. :trixieshiftleft:

1245573 What do you have trouble with?

1245564 Sweet. How do you write stories, I simply can't do it.

1245545 Haha, that's an adorable gif. Sure. :3

  • Viewing 13 - 22 of 22
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