Derpy Hooves, a pony who seems to be on the wrong side of everyone in town, is restless and lonely. Thanks to her... unique eyes and clumsy nature, she's never had an easy time at building friendships. She begins to wonder if maybe its time to leave Ponyville and try again.
And that's when Blue Skies appears. A handsome pegasus who's new to Ponyville. And it goes by logic, anyone new to Ponyville will know little to nothing of Derpy's damaging reputation. Is this the chance for a fresh start she's been waiting for? It could be.
But can our favorite clumsy friend ever hope to catch his eye? Or will someone else get to him first?
I have improved a lot since my first run! So when you're reading my fan fiction and offering critique, (WHICH I LOVE, THANK YOU SO MUCH) I have officially hidden all the old chapters, and replaced them with a new version. If you wish to see the old version, just contact me! Feel free to offer any advice! I appreciate it.
Also, if you're a stickler for maintaining character, you might not like this. I mean I hope you will! But you might not. I didn't portray Derpy exactly as hasbro did, but rather as I like to think of her. Even so, she remains pretty much the same. I might even dare to call it cannon. You can be the judge of that!