• Member Since 30th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Foals are adorable~

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She was in a void, surrounded by nothing but her own thoughts. It was warm and claustrophobic, yet calm and peaceful. She once had a name, but she couldn't pull it out, even though she remembered almost every other detail from the life she lost.

Once an adult human transgender woman, she finds herself in the body of a female foal, living within a strange, perilous world with her single mother. She is finally given the chance to grow up as a girl... er... filly, though it also presents a problem to her.

She still has some of the wants and instincts from her previous life, desiring independence and control. Could she convince her other that she is who she is without breaking their relationship?

This fic is going to be filled with many cute chapters and lots of mother-foal moments, paired against the frustrations and efforts of an adult within a foal's body. I hope everyone enjoys!

Chapters (3)

Even in an infinite universe, a galaxy is huge. Across thousands of worlds, ponies from all trots of life find themselves facing different struggles and diverse choices to affect theirs and many other ponies' futures.

Some ponies find themselves growing up in the ruins of what used to be capitals of industry or culture. Some ponies are raised just as the ancient Equestrians were. Some are from city worlds so grand and big that they seemed like several worlds within themselves.

No matter where they come from, and no matter how they were brought up, ponies all have an innate connection to the magic that spreads everywhere they go, formed by the bond of ponies everywhere.

Starlight Blossom has always wanted to see the universe beyond the bubble surrounding her world. She had heard stories of the many different places out there, and couldn't help but yearn for the beyond. Without magic, she struggles to find contentment in her home, even though all is peaceful and ponies go living without fear.

Fireflight, on the other hoof, is a pegasus from Spitfire Prime, the third-largest of the four ecumenopoli of the United Friendship Federation. Her parents took great care of her and her sickly brother was born in her mid-teenage years. When she was seventeen, she tearfully accepted the begging of her mother to take her brother and leave the ecumenopolis for a safer home, only having enough money for the two of them.

In a grand series of coincidences, Fireflight and Starlight find their stories converging. In this journey, both discover that their views on the universe could do well for a slight shift at the least, and together, they find the most important magic of all.

The cover art is not owned by me. It is by Jakub Grygier.

I have decided to cancel this story because I cannot meaningfully continue it. The way I've built my sci-fi universe has changed, and I need to put more effort into outlining a story before I really get into it.

Chapters (1)