• Member Since 26th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Ryuku the Creative

This smile isn't stapled on. Or is it?


Late Night Creepiness 2 · 4:29am Sep 25th, 2014

"Hello again, my dear friend. It appears to me that you haven't been satisfied with your wish and you wish to have another. Well I'm afraid it doesn't work like that. One wish for one person or animal I'm afraid and you spent yours already but I may have a solution to your issue. How about doing a job for me. It's nothing too difficult and you'll get your next wish once the job is done. All I ask is that you don't waste your next wish on your relatives. The job is for you to find ten souls who

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Late night Creepiness · 7:16am Sep 23rd, 2014

"Hello, there. Don't be alarmed, I'm watching everything you do and say. Tell me, what's it like being on the outside world looking in and finding me, a demon in need of solace. Ha! Pretty funny that your going to show me mercy for something I have yet to do. Tell me you inner secrets and deepest wonders my dear friend, show me how you really feel about everything. I want you to know that you have rare opportunity that I believe you won't want to miss. I can grant you a wish for whatever you

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Weird Sleep · 11:42pm Sep 3rd, 2014

Ever went to sleep at any time of the night and end up stuck in a lucid dream where it's dark. You can't see anything, your eyes are still closed and you can hear your thoughts more clearly.You try to move but can't even lift a finger and to your horror, try to scream but can't even move your mouth. The worst part is it feels like something is taking advantage of you while you sleep and you can feel it. It last for a minute or two but sometimes you wake up from it only to end up in another

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Report Ryuku the Creative · 195 views ·