"And it was all over." -Understanding Eternity The hardest thing I've had to type. Ever.
A Dreamwalker, hoping to share the stories he keeps.
Bushfires, floods, cyclones and drought. All at the same time. Australia is trying to kill us all.
An entity of what does the wordsgood with ponies. Buy me a coffee?
An administrator in the Chess Game of the Gods group. Writes stuff.
I am the Storm Scribe. Let my words thunder across all creation! Let my imagination rain down and bring life to new worlds and adventures. Above all else, may you enjoy what meager gifts I bring...
My name was Razorbeam, and I am retired. (From Fanfiction)
A crossover/HiE writer whose own distractions with the internet ended up with him running into ponies. And now he's a fanfiction writer.
Snitches be snitchin, bitches be bitchin, snitches in stitches, bitches in ditches