I'm not able to continue right now, I'm going to camp for 2 weeks, and I'm having a hard time starting the next chapter. So I'm sorry to say, but I'm going on hiatus.
I am a 16 year old senior high-school student addicted to My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, and am an avid reader.
It has come to my attention that many of my readers are losing interest in my story, and I want to apologize for it. I'm sorry that I lack good grammar skills, flow of time, and conflict. I will do my best to rectify what I have already ruined, and if any of you care to lend me some of your much valued wisdom I would gladly accept it.
Please forgive my incompetence as we try to correct this mistake.
I really have been busy on my story, and am trying so hard to get it posted. In the meantime I will post the link to google for it here.
I'm gonna start by thanking those who watch me so they see this blog post, then those who have continued reading this story even though it wasn't very good when I started. Right now I'm maybe an 1/8th through the coming chapter as I rarely come into contact with a computer to write with as mine is being repaired. I am also in the middle stage of a killer case of the Flu, (Stupid 102 degree fever melting my brain) and can't read very much to keep up the creative flow. And last but not least in