One day, Twilight and her friends are transported to a desert island, cut off from the rest of the world by a magical bubble. They are the lucky ones.
written for the 2024 Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest
Convicted Bibliophile (Buy me a coffee, will 'ya?
Found 51 stories in 311ms
Total Words: 232,172
Estimated Reading: 15 hours
One day, Twilight and her friends are transported to a desert island, cut off from the rest of the world by a magical bubble. They are the lucky ones.
written for the 2024 Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest
One morning, Celestia starts her day by hurling herself out a window. Her day goes downhill from there.
After losing a battle against temptation, Sunset heads to Sugarcube Corner. While she browses the menu, she notices something new.
AppleJack wakes up early to milk her flock. Something strange happens.
After a long day, Sunset just needs to get away...
A fanfiction in which Flash Sentry has a perfectly normal day at work.
Something weird is going on in the human world. Sunset needs advice.
If only Twilight would write back.
A fanfiction in which Sunset Shimmer commands a fleet to conquer the Solar System's seventh planet.
Rated T for excessive immaturity.
It's been a long night for Sunset Shimmer.
First, she was transformed into a demon. Then she was blasted by a rainbow friendship laser of some kind. Now, as she limps down the hall to her apartment, she's an absolute wreck.
She could really go for a shower.
Special thanks to Georg for proofreading and editing.