• Member Since 10th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Convicted Bibliophile (Buy me a coffee, will 'ya? https://ko-fi.com/flint_lock)


One day, Twilight and her friends are transported to a desert island, cut off from the rest of the world by a magical bubble. They are the lucky ones.

written for the 2024 Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest

Chapters (14)

One morning, Celestia starts her day by hurling herself out a window. Her day goes downhill from there.

Chapters (2)

After losing a battle against temptation, Sunset heads to Sugarcube Corner. While she browses the menu, she notices something new.

Chapters (1)

A fanfiction in which Flash Sentry has a perfectly normal day at work.

Chapters (1)

Something weird is going on in the human world. Sunset needs advice.

If only Twilight would write back.

Chapters (19)

Sunset Shimmer has won.

Twilight and her friends are out of the picture. With no one to stop her, Sunset prepares to lead her army of brainwashed teenage zombies against Equestria.

If she can get the damn crown to work!

Chapters (1)

A fanfiction in which Sunset Shimmer commands a fleet to conquer the Solar System's seventh planet.

Rated T for excessive immaturity.

Chapters (1)

It's been a long night for Sunset Shimmer.

First, she was transformed into a demon. Then she was blasted by a rainbow friendship laser of some kind. Now, as she limps down the hall to her apartment, she's an absolute wreck.

She could really go for a shower.

Special thanks to Georg for proofreading and editing.

Chapters (1)