Rainbow Dash is Best Pony. Just Another Day, Diaries Of A Madman and Random Acts Of Generosity are the best story's I've read.
As a woman born with Cerebral Palsy, I'm not just defined by my condition. I write stories about ponies with disabilities because that’s my own experiences.
Life if like a lottory ticket, you never know what going to happen until you skratch the ticket. ~OreoKookie
I love creepypastas and dark stories! Best Shippings are PinkieDash, FlutterCord, Fluffle Puff and Queen Chrysalis, and finally, Twilight and King Sombra! Best ponies are Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie!
As the world around you moves you stand there motionless. Unable to talk and watching as the world around you collapses. Such is the way of life.
I'm a recently returned writer and plan to release alot of stories again.
Your friendly neighborhood disaster lesbian at your service. I write pony words and squee over my ships.