Ciderfest Bookstore! · 1:59am Sep 22nd, 2023
The always amazing Nyronus is setting up a bookstore at Ponyville Ciderfest! Peep the deets here
The always amazing Nyronus is setting up a bookstore at Ponyville Ciderfest! Peep the deets here
Folks, you did so great for Majin, let's keep it going and help out Ravij. He's a barcaster (Part of the group who had me on once and I got tipsy and sassy and adopted by Pencil)
They're crass and hilarious and he could use a hand to continue being awesome. They're gonna do a fundraiser stream this Friday,
Majin Syeekoh could use a hand
He's good folks if you can spare some bits.
Hey you!
Do you know how to write platonic affection? Are you going to Ciderfest? Do you wanna be on a panel about it?
Excellent! Go here and talk to the lovely Navelcolt about an upcoming panel that'd be nice to have more people on.
there's a cool party going down at Trick Question's spot
Having been to Trick's parties before, I can guarantee a fun social time.
Hey you!
Are you a fan of writing? Regardless of the answer, might you be going to Ponyville Ciderfest? Do you just like helping out with fun and games?
Good go here and talk to the excellent Nyronus
The excellent Totallynotabrony made a blogpost suggesting music he enjoyed that was lesser known stuff and I figured I'd follow suit (better late than never) though I can't promise my stuff is all that obscure.
Tom Cardy is a musical genius who blew up over the pandemic. He does a blend of comedy and serious songs.
If you play/have ever played Minecraft brokenimage321 wants your help for Science!
Unrelated, I'm still alive and tomorrow have an appmt to potentially start ECT treatment. Hooves crossed they approve and it helps.
You've got this gang.
(I'd be more eloquent but the flu is exhausting. Least it's not covid?)
Their blog post lays it out better than I could but the tl;dr is their grandmother who sounds like an incredible person has passed and they could really use a helping hoof with funeral costs.
They're a great author and lovely soul so see if you have some spare change or a signal boost to help get the word out.