Equestria Girls Two Has Been Confirmed! · 4:47pm Feb 13th, 2014
Let us rejoice!
For those who don't know, Equestria Girls is my favorite movie. Like, ever. Not just pony-ever.
So hopefully you can understand why I'm fangirling so hard right now.
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Let us rejoice!
For those who don't know, Equestria Girls is my favorite movie. Like, ever. Not just pony-ever.
So hopefully you can understand why I'm fangirling so hard right now.
Whispered Secrets
Love can flourish within war, but at what cost? Two noblemares will learn of this cost, and they'll have a hard time paying it.
A transgender male-to-female girl named Avery Edison was detained at some airport in Toronto because of invalid student visa or something, and now they don't know where to put her. Her passport is female goddangit.
I wish we could all have a united land.
It's Twist x Apple Bloom, with making out involved.
Or Valentine's Day, or Hearts and Hooves Day, or whatever you wanna call it.
I hate this holiday.
Well, I guess I don't hate it, per say, but....here, lemme explain what I mean.
Ever since fourth grade, I've suffered from low self-esteem. Not to mention recently I picked up a case of acne. Fabulous. So, I'm not the prettiest. Not the kind of girl you'd go for if one of my classmates was in the room.
Today I didn't have to have three and a half pointless hours of school, so I just kinda hung out.
Started reading Scarlet, the second book in the Lunar Chronicles, which takes elements of fairy tales, or fairy tale tropes, and makes them badflank in every sense of the word. Such as Scarlet, who is very loosely based on Red Riding Hood. And the street fighter who helps her out? His nickname's Wolf. Hurr.
No, srsly.
For those of you who don't know the story, I joined a group called the Cult Of Luna founded by Patient X (who is an awesome guy) ages back, (a pro Princess Luna group) and these two arsehats FaderRoks and GorefrackAlpha decided to pick on us. Using terrible grammar as they did so. Ah, I remember the manurestorm on Fader's monstrosity he decided to pass off as a fic.....
I had to go to school for three and a half hours because of the snowpocalypse the week before last. Dunno why they made us go at all if it's just three and a half hours but okay.
At 4:30 my time I'm off to a hockey game with my family. I've never had any interest in hockey and the stadium is bound to be loud, goody confounding gumdrops but I have to go anyway.
And we're having dinner for lunch and basically not having dinner at all when we get back because it's going to be late.
I just.....
Wow, guys. Wow.
When I first joined this site, I didn't think I'd get any followers. I just wanted to write some poni, and read some poni, and talk about poni with other people who like poni.
What I did NOT think, was that I would have 60 fabulous guys and gals reading my daft blogs (which I've only just started to post, mind) and even more daft stories. Heck, Confessions From a Lunaholic wasn't even a serious fiction, and it has over 60 likes!
And he played The Temptations. 80s had all the good music, save poni tunes. Least in my humble opinion. *cough* Evening Star *cough, cough*
Srsly, though. Temptations.