• Member Since 31st Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Mystic Mind

The greatest storyteller of our time, or just another smuck pony fan on the internet? YOU decide! (Also I do episode analysis sometimes.)


Musical Inspirations and Story Updates · 11:28pm Mar 24th, 2017

If there's one thing my readers should know about me, is that I am a MASSIVE Power Metal fan. Dragonforce, Sabaton, Stratovarius, Power Wolf, Power Quest, Freedom Call and all that jazz metal. I've referenced Metal songs in my fic titles and often base ideas of specific songs. So for the longest time, I have been desiring to complete a fic that defines the word EPIC.

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So I wrote a clop fic. · 12:24am Mar 3rd, 2017

No, you didn't read that title wrong. If I'm honest, I never expected that I would get to this point in the fandom myself. I've never been against clop fics, just never really had any interest in them myself. But if there is one thing I love, it's sappy romance stories. And what do ya know, inspiration can strike at any moment, even if it's not for something you expect!

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Night Shift - Sacred and Wild Part 2 · 11:12am Jan 24th, 2017

Finally, after months of distractions, writing and editing around college work, I have completed part 2/3 of "Sacred & Wild"! I wish I could guarantee that the next chapter won't take three months to complete, but alas, my creativity tends to be a bit sporadic. I have a few ideas for a new short story in the meantime, but I can at least assure my (admittedly tiny) audience that I know how to finish at least one of my longer stories!

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Conflicting Ideas · 11:38pm Nov 14th, 2016

Do any other authors ever get writers block from two or more conflicting ideas, to the point where you end up writing very little? I have at least two stories that I know how to complete, yet I have STILL started a new one because the idea really grabbed me!

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