• Member Since 20th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Hyper Atomic

Scientist, Student, and Storyteller. If I've written something that made you smile, that's good enough for me.


  • Registered: Aug 20th, 2013

Stories ( 4 )

Top Stories

  • TWhiteout
    Two strangers deal with being stuck together in a world far from normal, and if they’re not careful, they’ll end up in an asylum … again.
    Hyper Atomic · 24k words  ·  322  8 · 5.3k views
  • TWish upon a Supernova
    If wishing on stars worked, we'd all be rich and happy. But maybe, we've just been doing it wrong.
    Hyper Atomic · 31k words  ·  387  13 · 5.5k views
  • TFlipped
    What happens when the act of commerce results in trading more than just physical goods? After all, they don't call it "change" for nothing...
    Hyper Atomic · 5.4k words  ·  68  2 · 3k views
  • TFetch
    There are worse things than suddenly finding yourself as a Diamond Dog. Being stuck on a depopulated Earth is probably one of them.
    Hyper Atomic · 8.2k words  ·  72  8 · 1.9k views