• Member Since 19th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 26th, 2015

Air Heart


Points of view and other important stuff · 8:46am May 6th, 2014

So I've been deliberating over the past week of what to do with my fic, 2500 miles to Manehattan.

Should I keep it as first person from Vinyl's perspective? or should I alter it and change it to third person centred around Vinyl?
on one hand, third person is easier to read and possibly write, but on the other hand I kinda can't be bothered to go back and edit the work ive done on it so far, and im not sure if it will be worth it.

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Updates on stories and long coming fallout fic · 4:02pm Apr 18th, 2014

So after about a year of writing and re writing, then scrapping the first few chapters of my fallout equestria fanfic, along with changing my mind on the outline and main plot I have finally come up with something I actually like and finally have a proper outline for the story. what does this mean? it means in a few months i should have the first 2 or 3 chapters of fallout equestria: cause and effect edited and posted up.

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